
My Little Pony VR endcap

The challenge

Inspire kids instore with an immersive My Little Pony brand experience.

Success factors

  • The world of My Little Pony is brought to life through a VR immersive experience and physical re-creation of the My Little Pony hot air balloon. Shoppers view the landscape of Equestria through binoculars from a hot air balloon, feel the breeze and hear the wind rush by to feel part of the magic!
  • A custom app creates a 3D and 360-degree immersive virtual reality experience of the world of My Little Pony.
  • Hot air balloon re-creation including built in fan and sound effects for this multi-sensory retail experience.

The results

  • POPAI Silver Innovation
  • POPAI gold Entertainment and Leisure
  • Device is connected and monitored 24/7 by our Connie platform. Dwell time at fixture increased 90%.
  • Analytics provided on user count and length of engagement align with sales increase.

“Dramatic, spectacular displays work well for us in flagship and high-volume stores, but in the past they have been executed on a one-off basis. This has meant high costs, and high-consumption of staff time. Moving to a common display that delivers all the in-store theatre and excitement that works across the UK and Europe has been a huge success in terms of saving time and money, while delivering on-brand store events.”

Hasbro European Retail Activation Manager

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