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Scott Morris: 20 years at Displayplan

Posted 09-10-23
4 minute read

Managing Director Scott Morris reaches the magnificent milestone of 20 years at Displayplan.

With the turbulent nature of the retail world, there have certainly been some ups and downs over the past 20 years and Displayplan’s Managing Director Scott has seen it all. In his current role, Scott utilises his passion and involved leadership style to direct and manage the company, to meet and exceed client expectations.

As part owner of Displayplan, Scott has been instrumental in his role of evolving Displayplan from a supplier of standard retail equipment to becoming a strategic partner for retail experiences of all scales.

Throughout his career, Scott has partnered with a portfolio of leading global brands to develop multimillion-pound programmes and innovations to drive retail success.  

To mark the monumental milestone, we sat down with Scott to reminisce about his time with Displayplan and uncover what the future may hold in the world of retail.

Read on!

2023 marks your 20th anniversary with Displayplan. Tell us a little bit about what initially drew you to the business and your journey since then.

  • What was your first project? My first project was a project for Mars and it was called the Bambino. I had inherited the project from a colleague at the time and it took another 6 months before it finally landed. The concept was to make a simple low-cost display with a sliding shelf to accommodate regular single serve-bars and kingsize bars as they were then known. The display was to be made in wire and tube and sit on a countertop in every newsagent. Even today the display can still be found in many locations. Admittedly the branding has gone and invariably the retailer uses it for something else but it’s still serving a purpose, 20 years on.
  • How many countries have you visited to support Displayplan business? One of my life’s passions is travel and adventure. Displayplan has afforded me so many great times over the last 20 years. Without counting, I would say that I have had the opportunity to go to over 15 countries. Highlights include Rio de Janeiro, all over China, California, and many other US locations as well as some great trips to most of the European countries.
  • What three clients or projects have created the most momentum and progress for Displayplan? There were definitely a few moments that helped change the shape and direction of the business. The 3 that stand out the most are;
  1. In 2005 we were appointed the supplier of fixtures to Nike EMEA. This was a program that moved our business further into the fixturing world and the area of global distribution and warehousing. A 10-year contract that definitely widened our capability and enabled us to become stronger in areas we weren’t always used to. This was a great contract and Nike EMEA were a great team to work closely with.
  2. In 2012 the business went private, and Marks and Spencer were rolling out significant programs. We were lucky enough to be involved with the Beauty project which catapulted our turnover significantly and gave us something to grow off the back of. This project was of great strategic importance as we de-leveraged our recently bought business quicker than planned, due to this very large project.
  3. In 2021, we were awarded the LEGO contract for a new retail program. This is a long-term contract and being a partner to LEGO has so many benefits. The LEGO business has improved our business within areas such as sustainability and quality measuring procedures, amongst other things. Having great clients can make you a great business. LEGO have certainly contributed a lot to us.

What do you see as your biggest accomplishment since you joined the business in 2003?

Creating the opportunity to buy the business in 2012, keeping all the people, and growing it over 10 years, including the hiring of over 30 new FTEs since that time. I love working with the people and having fun together but above all delivering for the amazing client set we have.

What has been the hardest challenge to overcome whilst working with Displayplan during the past 20 years?

As companies get bigger, the challenge always remains in keeping everyone working closely together as one unit laser-focused on customer service and delivery. we work really hard here to build the right values and culture and that gets stretched with growth. We have a special place here and I’m glad we have been able to maintain this challenge.

What has been your favourite memory during your time here?

That’s a really hard one. I would have to say the famous Xmas parties. They have been significant for so many years now so much so that old colleagues and even clients try to get on to the guest list😊.

Having fun as a group is so important and these parties are not for the faint-hearted.

Where do you see the future of Displayplan evolving?

Whatever the future brings, the Displayplan business and its people are well-placed to thrive. What we’ve built is strong and impressive and I’m extremely proud of our journey and humbled to be steering the ship. As retailers and brands evolve, there will always be a need to deliver better and better experiences to the shoppers. As one of the leading experience providers in the industry, we are nicely positioned to carry on our work.

Thanks for taking the time to catch up with Scott. For more retail expertise and insights, feel free to connect with him on LinkedIn here.

Should you be interested in working with Scott and the Displayplan team on an upcoming project, get in contact with us.